Blog — papale lauhala
Papale Are Like Snowflakes
Hawaiian style lauhala lauhala hat Lauhala weaving papale papale lauhala Ulana lauhala
Not in the socio-political sense... Papale are literally like snowflakes. No two are exactly alike. One can try to make a copy of a certain papale, it is pretty much impossible to ulana two identical papale. The materials are actual natural plant materials prepared and ulana by human hands. Although skilled and experienced weavers can have consistent tension and technique, they are still human beings and not machines. Each papale is as unique as an individual snowflake. From far away, snowflakes look alike but magnified under a microscope each is incredibly unique. A while back my FIL sent us a...
Papale pa'ole Poncie Ponce style... not the original intention, but still super cute
Hawaiian style lauhala hat papale papale lauhala Poncie Ponce vintage style