The Virtual home of Cherie's Place since 2009
The Virtual home of Cherie's Place since 2009
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Save the Date: Hala Fest 2025!

Save the Date:  Hala Fest 2025!

Saturday, September 20, 2025, 9:30am to 3pm.  For more information check out their website:

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E Ho`omau O Na Malama I Na Iwi Kupuna Workshops Returns

fiber art fiber arts Hawaiian style lauhala Lauhala weaving Ulana lauhala

E Ho`omau O Na Malama I Na Iwi Kupuna Workshops Returns

The Hawaiian Church of Hawaiʻi Nei is returning to Kona and would like to invite you to join them to make the Hina`i Lauhala, Kapa, and Kaula Hau for na iwi kupuna for reburial.  The workshops will be held on December 20 and 21 at the Hulihe`e Palace, Kailua-Kona.  The 3 workshops will be held on the same day at the same time but separately so you can only choose one workshop to attend.  If you are able to join them, please register now at:

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E Ho`omau O Na Malama I Na Iwi Kupuna Workshops

fiber art fiber arts Hawaiian style lauhala Lauhala weaving Ulana lauhala

E Ho`omau O Na Malama I Na Iwi Kupuna Workshops

The Hawaiian Church of Hawaiʻi Nei would like to invite you to join them on the Big Island to make the Hina`i Lauhala, Kapa, Kaula Hau or Ipu Umeke for na iwi kupuna for reburial.  The workshops will be held on November 22 and 23 at the Hulihe`e Palace, Kailua-Kona.  The 4 workshops will be held on the same day at the same time but separately so you can only choose one workshop to attend.  If you are able to join us, please register now at:

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Hala Fest 2024

fiber art fiber arts Hawaiian style lauhala Lauhala weaving Ulana lauhala ule hala

Hala Fest 2024

Event description: The Big Island Invasive Species Committee is collaborating with a local nonprofit in Puna, Pōhaku Pelemaka, to host the Hala Festival at the Makuʻu Market on Saturday, May 18 from 10am to 2pm. Cherished for its many uses, hala is an integral part of Hawaiian culture and continues to be an important resource for weaving, lei making, and other cultural practices. ⁠There is a pressing need to protect hala from invasive species threats, like hala scale and coconut rhinoceros beetle, and habitat loss due to growing development.⁠ ⁠This free, ʻohana-friendly event is open to everyone interested in nurturing a deeper connection to place...

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2024 Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona Weaving Conference Online Registration is Live!

fiber art fiber arts Hawaiian style lauhala lauhala hat Lauhala weaving papale lauhala Ulana lauhala

2024 Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona Weaving Conference Online Registration is Live! is live and one can register (and pay) online for this yearʻs Lauhala Weaving Conference in Keauhou.  Pre-conference event is on Tuesday June18.  The Conference starts Wednesday June 19 to Saturday June 22.  After May 1, the late Registration fee goes up to $475.  Special Conference room rates at Outrigger expires February 29, so book your room before then.

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