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Hala Roots Look Like Something From A Sci-Fi Movie...

Hawaiian style ule hala

I was back at Māʻona Community Garden this morning.  Chantal was working her chainsaw taking down a puhala that had grown out of its pot and was putting pressure on a retaining wall.  She said "hey, look at this!" and I just had to take pictures.

The underside of the ulehala (aerial root) that splayed out to smaller roots.

Right side up view.A flattened plastic planter pot that Chantal found under the splayed root.

It was amazing that the ulehala (aerial root) came down, hit the plastic pot and flattened it. When the ulehala couldn't grow through the plastic to reach the ground, it splayed out smaller ulehala over and around it. It truly looked like some alien creature from a Sci-Fi movie.


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